Vapefly - Holic MTL RDA

Colour(v): Stainless Steel
Sale price$29.95


The Holic is an amazingly eye-catching atomizer that features a seamless unification of parts. Located on the top of the Holic is a flush 3.5mm tight bore Delrin drip tip. This drip tip is comfortable whether the airflow of the atomizer is fully open or closed. Moving down are different airflow slots. From the largest air slot to smallest, the measurements are 2mm, 1.5mm, and 1mm. This airflow system can be adjusted to be used as single or dual by tightening or loosening the screws located on the build deck. This customizable aspect of the Holic allows users to choose their preference of airflow, maximizing flavor. As an added option, users may swap out the 510 pin for a bottom feeding pin, making this atomizer perfect for squonk devices.


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